Solarizing Crop Remnants, Exploding Squash, MORE Bunnies

We’ve begun using old pieces of plastic that blew off our hoophouse in a storm last fall to “solarize” the residue of crops that we’re ready to terminate.  Doing so allows us to kill off the remnants of a previous crop without tilling them in.

The technique seems to be working well in the heat of the summer, but wasn’t as effective in the spring.  Then, the augmented heat under the plastic just spurred the growth of the cover crops we were trying to kill.

Our summer squash are exploding with productivity.  Even with assiduous, daily harvesting, we still find enormous squashes that have eluded us and are almost grotesquely large. —Robin Hackett, Farm Manager

Discovered yet another nest of bunnies in an old bed of garlic.  We have been told that they are part wild, part domesticated and now there is a movement among some members of the farm team to adopt? —Amy Shepherd, Farm Group


Eggplants, Tomato Hornworms and Companion Planting


Potatoes, Rabbits in the Lettuce, No-Till Bed Flipping